Building a Heathier Europe
Discover the 20 policy interventions presented in the new INHERIT project route map report. The ambitious project INHERIT just published the Route Map report, consisting of 20 policy interventions. This report is meant as a [...]
How We Live, Move and Consumer Matters
Join our 2018 conference about scaling-up promising practices to improve our living, moving and consuming patterns so we ultimately become more sustainable. INHERIT will organize a conference in November 2018 to showcase inspiring initiatives from [...]
Join the 10th International Forum for Health Promotion Research
On 24-26 September 2018, Trondheim, Norway, will be the place to be for health professionals who will converge at one of the most important international health forums of the year. Health promotion experts, researchers, politicians, [...]
What makes a family save energy?
Why does someone decide to start saving energy? What motivates people to turn off their lights? A group of scientists are asking these questions and looking for answers. PENNY (Psychological, social and financial barriers to [...]
Understanding SEEDs
Social, Economic and Environmental factors determine the health of a population. However, development policies do not focus enough attention on these factors. The Institute of Health Equity from the University College London [...]
Ministers meet to make our planet healthy
Photo by Peter Wendt on Unsplash The G7 Health Ministers met in Milan on 5-6 November 2017 to discuss the health and environmental challenges of the 21st century. The aim was to [...]