Recommendation: Guide the private sector to move further towards more sustainable business models that support the triple-win
The transition to greater sustainability cannot happen without the private sector – they produce the goods and services upon which we depend and are drivers of innovation. But we cannot continue with “business as usual”. Government regulations and incentives to ensure businesses produce more sustainably and contribute to redistributing wealth are crucial. It is also important to recognise that the private sector is very diverse. Whilst some private sector actors drive sustainable, healthy, equitable change, others lag behind or undermine progress. Policymakers must facilitate the efforts of front-runners to pave the path the path towards more ‘triple-wins’, whilst holding those that harm the environment and public health accountable. Reactions to the INHERIT future scenarios reflect awareness of the role companies play in shaping lifestyles and behaviours, as well as the need for governments and citizens to regulate this influence.[1]

Voices from INHERIT
[…] apart from liking renewable energies, I like that the state, businesses and citizens reach an agreement.
I like that all the administrations, companies and communities work together to achieve green spaces so that not all the burden is carried out by one.
I particularly like that companies extend different offers to citizens according to the category of people, from poor to rich. I also like that technology really helps, and we have control over the energy we spend.
I like that companies offer solutions [in relation to renewable energy sources] in cooperation with citizens. My current life totally differs from this; I do not use any renewable source of energy and I would like to live differently, like in the scenario.
What can be done? Insights from INHERIT
What can be done? Insights from INHERIT

INHERIT triple-win case studies
More information on the INHERIT case studies can be found in the Annex: triple-win case studies
Online platform in Portugal that links rural producers directly with consumers, cutting out intermediaries and contributing to a shorter food-supply chain. Would benefit from a short-food supply chain certification.
Tool: INHERIT Promising practice database
IT tool (website and apps) that scores products on the basis of health, environment, human rights and animal welfare considerations. It covers products available in a number of affiliated supermarket chains in the Netherlands.
Additional Reading from INHERIT
Business Roundtable (EU)
EU-level INHERIT Policy Roundtable report (2019) Sustainable Business in 2019: An Intersectoral Dialogue. EuroHealthNet and Philips: Brussels.