Developing Sustainable Future Scenarios

//Developing Sustainable Future Scenarios

Developing Sustainable Future Scenarios

Organized by EuroHealthNet at the L42 venue in Brussels, this INHERIT workshop brought together over 50 participants from civil society, European institutions, national health institutes and ministries to brainstorm, debate and advance four scenarios for a more sustainable future in Europe.

Led by INHERIT partner, the Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP), the workshop built on the Foresight process to examine how we can achieve healthier and more sustainable lifestyles in Europe by 2040. The challenge is to match these scenarios with appropriate policies:

4 Future Scenarios

Click on this image to see the INHERIT workshop!

The results of the workshop and action road map will be further tested by citizens and presented to EU and national policy-makers. The main presentations of this interactive workshop can be accessed here:

A healthier and more sustainable future for all
Ingrid Stegeman, Programme Manager, EuroHealthNet

Advancing 4 sustainable future scenarios by 2040
Rosa Strube, Project Manager, CSCP

Planning for the future: relevant EU policy roadmaps
Cristina Chiotan, Senior Policy Coordinator, EuroHealthNet

Next steps for the INHERIT scenario-building

Workshop Main

For more information and updates on the INHERIT Horizon 2020 project, join us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

2018-11-25T22:17:43+01:00September 28, 2017|News|Comments Off on Developing Sustainable Future Scenarios