Over the past 40 years Europe has been practising the world’s highest environmental standards and climate policies. In fact, countries in the EU have been developing plans that can improve sustainable growth by identifying eco-friendly ways to live. Not only do these plans boost and stimulate ideas to promote health and health equity, but also help those looking to take on the next stage in their lives. Practising eco-friendly habits can certainly make it easier to save with a purpose. INHERIT is identifying ways to live, move and consume in ways that will promote health and increase financial savings through various scenarios.
Find Your Next ‘Go Green’ Routine
In the world, 29% of global energy is consumed by households, which then contributes 21% of CO2 emissions. Since this study was conducted, there has been a global increase in the amount of eco-friendly and sustainable projects within homes. In the EU, environmental organizations are monitoring and primarily advocating for climate change reform and a greener economy. There is a “go green” routine for everyone – young people are heavily motivated to protect the planet, but it’s never too late to start whatever your age. In a recent study, more adults are retiring earlier between the ages of 65 and 80. As they mentally and physically enter a new stage in life, it will allow them the time to take on eco-friendly endeavors. In doing so, retirees will be able to save enough to support a disposable income, benefit the earth, and themselves. Through the lens of the INHERIT project, policies and actions aim to benefit and improve the overall well-being of the EU’s environment and the population’s wellbeing.
Anyone can take part in living healthier lifestyles. By adopting environmentally-friendly behaviour, one can reduce primary expenses like mortgage and food-related costs. Though, it may take time to develop the right eco-friendly routine that will help save the earth and your wallet. The best place to start the process is at home. There are plenty of ways to transform your living space into a more sustainable place.
Build Eco-Friendly Habits
Creating habits are key when it comes to practising sustainability. Old habits can certainly prevent you from making choices that are in your best interest. Unconscious decisions, like forgetting to recycle, make new lifestyle changes a bit more difficult. That doesn’t mean one can’t find the right, new daily routine. The INHERIT research project uses scenarios of real-life experiences and scientific evidence to help modify how Europeans live. The influential work put forth aims to improve the environment, health and social challenges. In addition to individual findings, three easy ways to start off with are: minimising waste, composting food scraps, and go plastic free. When you start finding what works for you, try out activities that you enjoy. If you garden, try growing your own produce to aid natural food consumption. Install energy efficient appliances, to aid you the next time you are preparing to clean the house. Even bigger projects, like painting the house, can incorporate sustainable thinking. Ecological paint, which is made from safer substances, is better than leading paints and finishes that can release toxins in the air.
There are many you can get involved to reduce energy consumption, develop sustainable infrastructure and ultimately go green. At a time where the environment is rapidly changing, there are plenty of ways to practice living towards a sustainable future.
Writer: Sally Keys is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and traveling as much as possible.