How We Live, Move and Consumer Matters

//How We Live, Move and Consumer Matters

How We Live, Move and Consumer Matters

ConferenceJoin our 2018 conference about scaling-up promising practices to improve our living, moving and consuming patterns so we ultimately become more sustainable.

INHERIT will organize a conference in November 2018 to showcase inspiring initiatives from across Europe that contribute to environmental sustainability while improving conditions for better health, particularly for those in lower socio-economic groups. INHERIT aspires to see such initiatives rolled out across the EU to ensure that they make a real difference to contributing to overarching Sustainable Development Goals.

The conference will bring together policy-makers and practitioners to discuss how to create results and to explore how to strengthen collaboration across sectors to achieve greater impacts across a range of policies. Participants to the conference will:

  • exchange initiatives being implemented across the EU that can encourage behaviour change in favour of more environmentally sustainable, healthier and more socially equitable lifestyles (also known as ‘triple-win’ solutions)
  • discuss policy opportunities to transfer and scale-up existing promising practice, to ensure impact and contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • learn about the economic benefits of promising initiatives from a social investment, health, and environmental perspective
  • identify how integrated approaches to policy-making and the implementation of interventions can be achieved in ways that strengthen outcomes for all domains and explore opportunities and barriers to implementing more joined-up approaches

Further details on the exact location and dates of the Conference will be available soon.

For more information please contact:

2018-11-25T22:17:31+01:00March 13, 2018|News|Comments Off on How We Live, Move and Consumer Matters