Idea #6 | DOMINO – Play the Energy-Saving Game!

//Idea #6 | DOMINO – Play the Energy-Saving Game!

Idea #6 | DOMINO – Play the Energy-Saving Game!

Did you know that within Europe, individual households consume almost 30% of the continent’s total energy expended? That’s taking up a lot of (your) cash! By saving electricity at home you can have a real impact on your energy bills and on the environment.

DOMINO is a serious game that will help consumers to alter their energy consumption habits. By taking the DOMINO Challenge, you will be empowered with knowledge that will lead to you increasing your household’s energy efficiency.


You will save electricity (that’s money we are talking about!), as well as get to try out a new technology: Smart Plugs! The smart plugs measure the electricity use of your household appliances and send the information directly to your smartphone. Based on what the smart plugs say, the DOMINO team will provide real-time energy-saving tips to help you save electricity.

There is also a prize worth €500 to win. But, of course, once you start playing you’re already a winner because you save electricity: between 5 – 25% of your appliances’ electricity in 3 months.Who can play?
If you live in Brussels, Berlin or Naples, it’s time to get smart and get your smart plugs.

How to play?
Gather a team of five households and register online at Wait for your smart plugs, download the DOMINO App and beat the game!

It’s free, it’s fun, it’s DOMINO. Like the page to stay up to date.

Triple Win:
DOMINO aims to prompt a reduction of energy use in households in three metropolitan regions of Europe: Naples, Berlin and Brussels. Households will be engaged through a smart plug challenge to use their electrical equipment more energy efficiently and to purchase more energy-efficient household appliances.

Participants will be invited to save energy by using state-of-the art smart plugs and a smart phone app. Via real-time measurements and energy-saving tips, consumers will learn about their electricity use and how to reduce it, saving money and in turn protecting our climate. Individuals involved in the challenge will share the smart plugs with their peers, thereby creating a domino effect leading to the adoption of more energy-efficient behaviours.

2018-11-25T22:18:43+01:00October 20, 2016|stories|Comments Off on Idea #6 | DOMINO – Play the Energy-Saving Game!