Voedselagenda (Dutch Food Agenda)

//Voedselagenda (Dutch Food Agenda)

Voedselagenda (Dutch Food Agenda)

Voedselagenda (Dutch Food Agenda)
Brief Description The Dutch Food Agenda is an initiative from different ministries (Economic Affairs, Public Health, Welfare and Sports, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and Infrastructure and Environment). Together with agriculture sectors, food industry and knowledge institutes, the parliament strives to make the Netherlands leader of the field in terms of innovative, healthy products with more vegetables and plant proteins. This food should be produced with the lowest possible emission of greenhouse gases and the lowest use of pesticides and antibiotics. Part of the Food Agenda, the first Dutch Voedseltop (Food Summit) in The Hague took place in January (2017) where over 150 influential decision makers from the Dutch food world came together to, in cooperation with the national government, shape the food policy of the future. The goal of the Summit was to give shape to a shared food agenda for the next five to ten years. Activities that are planned include investments in innovations that create a healthier food supply with less salt, less saturated fat and less calories. In addition, there will be a focus on alternative protein sources such as seaweed, pods, beans and mushrooms.
Image foodagenda
European Country(s) Netherlands
Field Consuming: Sustainable Production, Consuming: Healthy and Sustainable Consumption, Consuming: Healthy Consumption
Type Umbrella program, Policy
Impact Health, Equity, Environmental sustainability
Status Ongoing
Target Group General population
Evaluation Planned for the future
Level National
INHERIT Perspective The Food Agenda is a promising INHERIT practice because it is so extensive and involves many stakeholders involved in the food chain with the clear aim to increase healthy and sustainable products for all Dutch inhabitants, which represents INHERIT’s triple win. The Food Agenda targets both Opportunity by making healthy, sustainable products more accessible and available, and Capability and Motivation, by incorporating educational activities.
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Relevant links http://www.voedselagenda.nl/
2018-11-25T22:18:22+01:00April 26, 2017|practices|Comments Off on Voedselagenda (Dutch Food Agenda)