Viver Melhor (Living Better) – promoting use of green space and inclusion of older people

//Viver Melhor (Living Better) – promoting use of green space and inclusion of older people

Viver Melhor (Living Better) – promoting use of green space and inclusion of older people

Viver Melhor (Living Better) – promoting use of green space and inclusion of older people
Brief Description The project Viver Melhor focuses on three principles: a) encouraging individuals to go outside, be with others and create relational networks; b) create a natural surveillance system that allows a regular monitoring of the individual (how he is, what he needs, among others); c) opens a line of communication and cooperation between SCML (the organizing entity) and the participants, a comprehensive approach to the services provided and the functions of the technicians, and a perception of the institution as a place where they can draw upon when needed. At the same time, the practice of physical exercise, contact with green spaces, rehabilitation, maintenance and appropriation of spaces are promoted. The main activities implemented were the provision of joint activities in public spaces and the creation of a system (platform) that allowed signaling of older people who showed great signs of isolation or of great disturbance. In an age group in which social networks tend to be restricted and there are cases of great social isolation, a natural vigilance system will assume high importance. Although informally, it was possible to witness that there was a genuine concern for any element that missed the activities and an attempt to contact them to find if they were alright. The project has ended in 2015, however it was incorporated by several municipalities which proves its usefulness and success.
European Country/Countries Portugal
Field Living/Green spaces: Improving availability, quality and use
Type Intervention
Impact Health, Equity, Environmental Sustainability
Status Completed
Target Group Older people
Evaluation Yes
Level Local
INHERIT Perspective This project has been chosen for inclusion because of its role in rehabilitate urban green areas for health-improving. The practice, by encouraging older people to leave home, to regularly practice physical exercise, to be with others, along with create a sense of belonging, will have an impact on physical and mental health, and also on well-being. By focusing on older people, the practice encompasses a population that is vulnerable to social isolation. Moreover, it has improved the regular use of the gardens resulting in greater resources placed in their maintenance.
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Contact Santa Casa da Misericórdia – Apartado 2059, 1102-803 Lisboa, Portugal. Telf.: 213235000 E-mail:
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