Susan Michie
Professor of Health Psychology and Director of the Centre for Behaviour Change, University College London (UCL)
Susan Michie, FMedSci, FAcSS is Professor of Health Psychology, Director of the Centre for Behaviour Changeat University College London and co-Director of the Behavioural Sciences Policy Research Unit for England and Wales. Susan’s research focuses on behaviour change in relation to health and environment: how to understand it theoretically and apply theory to intervention development, evaluation and implementation. She has developed innovative methods for characterising and reporting interventions and for synthesising evidence about the effectiveness of complex interventions, working across disciplines such as information science, environmental science, computer science and medicine. Two collaborative interdisciplinary projects are the Human Behavior Change Project and Complex Systems for Sustainability and Health.
She has served as an expert advisor to the UK Department of Health and as an organisational consultant to health service organisations,is Chair of the UK Food Standard Agency’s Social Sciences Advisory Committee and chaired the Academy of Social Science’s ‘Health of People’ project. Current editorial responsibilities include Associate Editor of Annals of Behavioral Medicine. She holds >25 research grants including and has published >400 peer-reviewed journal articles.