Lise Gauvin
Professor, School of Public Health, University of Montreal (ESPUM) and Principle Investigator, Multisectoral Urban Systems for Health and Equity in Canadian Cities (MUSE)
Full Professor, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine &
Vice-Dean for Research, School of Public Health, Université de Montréal
Researcher & Associate Scientific Director for Population Health Research
Centre de recherche duCentre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal(CRCHUM)
Lise Gauvin completed her doctorate in physical activity sciences in 1985 at the Université de Montréal. She has held academic positions at Queen’s University, Concordia University, and Université de Montréal. In September 2015, she was named a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. Her research focuses on socio-environmental determinants of involvement in physical activity, the reach, acceptability, and impact of interventions to promote physical activity and prevent eating disorders, and social inequalities in health. She uses innovative data collection and analysis techniques including ecological momentary assessment, multilevel modeling, and natural experiments to gain new insights into intervention.In addition to publishing her work in the peer-reviewed scientific literature, Dr Gauvin is actively engaged in knowledge transfer and exchange activities developed in partnership with researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners working in public health.