About this database
The purpose of the INHERIT database is to provide an online resource of promising practices that encourage people to adopt behaviours that contribute to environmental sustainability, to better health and to reducing health inequalities. These practices address the INHERIT areas of:

Living (green space, housing)

Moving (active transport)

Consuming (food)
The INHERIT database is not an exhaustive resource of practices but aims to provide an idea of measures that can be taken that simultaneously protect the environment, improve health and help reduce health inequalities. The aim is to inspire further uptake and implementation of the kinds of practices included.
The practices were selected by the INHERIT consortium members, based on jointly agreed criteria, and are considered promising (and not “good”, or “best”) as they show potential (or “promise”) for developing into a “good” practice.
Promising Practice criteria
The practices presented in the database:
- Are inspiring, real-life examples (ongoing or recently ended) of successful or potentially successful and innovative actions that address behaviors and involve health and other sectors, like environment, climate, social and sustainable development;
- Demonstrate positive (or potentially positive) impact on health and well-being, social equity (social and economically vulnerable persons/groups), and environmental sustainability;
- Aim at changing behaviors or address harmful behaviors in relation to the three INHERIT areas.
For more information about the database, please contact:
Pania Karnaki – p.karnaki@prolepsis.gr
Dina Zota – d.zota@prolepsis.gr
Institute of Preventive Medicine Environmental & Occupational Health
7, Fragoklisias street, 151 25, Marousi
Tel.: +30 210 6255700
fax: +30 210 6106810
Website: www.prolepsis.gr