The INHERIT Executive Summary on Success Factors, Barriers and Future of Intersectoral Cooperation presents results from the qualitative evaluation of 12 triple-win case studies conducted in 11 European countries. These evaluations were conducted during focus group sessions that took place from October 2018 to March 2019. The main goal was to gather qualitative information from implementers and stakeholders and to provide further insight into factors that help ensure successful implementation of intersectoral initiatives by looking into what elements were supportive or posed barriers for intersectoral cooperation. The secondary goal was to build capacity and motivation for future cooperation among cooperation stakeholders.
The evaluation followed a step-by-step approach, with central coordination and analysis conducted by RIVM, and local implementation and reporting of the focus groups done by 11 INHERIT consortium partners. To make sure partners were equipped to organise, perform and report the focus groups in a consistent, comparable way, all responsible partners, focus group note-takers and moderators were expected to attend a webinar. In addition, partners received a handbook that complemented the webinar containing practical documents such as scripts, checklists, a note-taking form and more.