Organic (eco) farming

//Organic (eco) farming

Organic (eco) farming

Organic (eco) farming
Brief Description The Institute for Sustainable Development is a private, not-for-profit institution that specifically works in the field of organic/eco farming. It prepared the first standards for eco/organic farming in 1996 and was the initiator of the first association of organic farmers in Slovenia in 1997. It was initiated to offer a system of sustainable farming, while at the same time being considerate to the environment by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants, offering high-quality locally produced food. It also acted proactively to help develop rural parts of country by expanding farms and offering new jobs, including opportunities for socially and economically vulnerable groups. Academia curricula at the undergraduate and postgraduate level were established, transfer of knowledge and experiences and harmonization with EU legislation considering organic farming were also provided. Farmers were motivated to convert from conventional to organic farming, as some funding from EC was also available. The number of farms and total area of organic farming have gradually increased through the years, as well as the amount of organic food products; greenhouse gas and other pollutant emissions were reduced; and expansion of farms with new working places opening was accomplished. Consumers were also satisfied as they could purchase locally grown food, often directly from the farms where they were grown.
European Country/Countries Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Field Consuming: Sustainable Production, Consuming: Healthy and Sustainable Consumption
Type Intervention, Policy
Impact Health, Equity, Environmental sustainability
Status Ongoing
Target Group General population, Employees Workplace
Evaluation Planned for the future
Level National, European
INHERIT Perspective This project has been chosen for inclusion because it may lead to direct environmental benefits by lowering of CO2 and other pollutants emissions and indirectly to improving of health and well-being of population. By reducing environmental pollution, it leads to positive changes in the environment and on the long run, to eco-systems. It has positive influence on social state, by offering jobs to vulnerable subsets of population, and also eco farming products may have greater health benefits than conventional farming. It also has clear emphasis on changing behavior.
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Contact Anamarija Slabe, Inštitut za trajnostni razvoj; e-mail:
2018-11-25T22:18:06+01:00April 26, 2017|practices|Comments Off on Organic (eco) farming