The INHERIT online learning module, ‘How to protect the environment, promote health and reduce health inequalities through living, moving, and consuming: Towards triple win actions’ is available on Moodle.
This free online course draws on INHERIT’s research findings on how to modify current unsustainable lifestyles to provide a unique, interdisciplinary approach to advancing intersectoral initiatives and policies in the key areas of living (green space and energy efficient housing), moving (active transport) and consuming (sustainable diets).
The course material is presented through a mixture of videos, blogs, quizzes and activities, and is developed for a wide range of stakeholders, from public health professionals to the public sector, civil society, the private sector, students and engaged citizens.
It has been created in such a way that everyone can complete it at their own pace, but to guide your learning, it is designed so that it can be taken over a four-week period. There is no deadline for starting, although places are limited, so we do encourage you to sign up now if you are interested.
The overall structure of the module is shown in the figure below.