Madrid Rio – urban infrastructure redevelopment plan

//Madrid Rio – urban infrastructure redevelopment plan

Madrid Rio – urban infrastructure redevelopment plan

Madrid Rio – urban infrastructure redevelopment plan
Brief Description Madrid Rio is a major urban infrastructure redevelopment plan which sought to transform the unused southern sector of an urban highway. The section of the highway was closed after an underground tunnel was built to replace it, leaving a large swath of urban land available for redevelopment.  Most of the area was transformed in an urban park connecting two southern districts of the city.

Alongside green areas, regenerated space was left for cultural and sports infrastructure. Though the costs of creating this infrastructure plan were high, the potential gains they posed to health and wellbeing for various income deprived districts of Madrid were substantial enough to warrant the investment. Evaluation work by the City Hall has recently been conducted, though results and methodologies are not yet available.

Image IMG_99572
European Country/Countries Spain
Field Living/Green spaces: Improving availability, quality and use, Moving: Cycling, Moving: Walking
Type Intervention
Impact Health, Environmental sustainability
Status Ongoing
Target Group General population
Evaluation Planned for the future
Level Local
INHERIT Perspective The promotion of urban planning conscious of the importance of green areas, active transport and active leisure has an important role in bringing about behavioural changes. Green spaces have a double impact over wellbeing. It can provide clean air, amenities and other ecosystem services which are generally hard to find in urban areas, as well as making it easier to lead a more active lifestyle.
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