Laboratoria Mobiele Alternatievenves (LaMA) –participative approaches to improving regional mobility

//Laboratoria Mobiele Alternatievenves (LaMA) –participative approaches to improving regional mobility

Laboratoria Mobiele Alternatievenves (LaMA) –participative approaches to improving regional mobility


Laboratoria Mobiele Alternatievenves (LaMA) –participative approaches to improving regional mobility
Brief Description The ‘LaMA’ or ‘Laboratoria for mobile alternatives’ project aims to improve the regional mobility through a participatory process that starts from the idea of co-creation.

In this project, both inhabitants, users, policy makers and mobility experts get together to provide – based on a bottom-up approach – creative and bold solutions to solve mobility problems in a specific problem zone in the municipality. Throughout this process, an external expert in the participatory approach is involved.

In the selected municipality, the focus lies on one particular problem zone in the municipality. All relevant stakeholders that live, work or use this specific problem zone can be involved in the brainstorming process to improve this zone.

The process includes four steps and takes one year:

  1. The first step in the process is to identify, via interviews, the exact traffic bottlenecks and opportunities to improve them;
  2. The second step is the co-creation process that brings together the policy makers with the relevant stakeholders to find creative solutions with public support;
  3. The third step is to try out the new ideas during the week of the mobility, so that the solutions are implemented in the problem zone during that week;
  4. The fourth step is the evaluation of the implemented solutions in the problem zone.

In 2016, the ‘LaMA’ project was conducted in three municipalities. The project was well received in all municipalities by all stakeholders, as it created positive changes in the mobility of the municipality and increased the cohesion between the policy makers, inhabitants and other relevant stakeholders.

Image LaMA02
European Country(s) Belgium
Field Moving: Cycling, Moving: Walking, Moving: Public Transportation, Moving: Other
Type Intervention
Impact Health, Equity, Environmental sustainability
Status Completed
Target Group General population, Low socio-economic status
Evaluation Yes
Level Local
INHERIT Perspective The ‘LaMA’ project aims to improve the regional mobility through a participatory process that starts from the idea of co-creation. This project has been chosen for inclusion because of its positive effects on the mobility (e.g. an increase in more sustainable, active transport) and social cohesion between the policy makers, inhabitants, and other relevant stakeholders in the involved municipalities. It also focuses on including inhabitants with low socioeconomic status in the program; by including their viewpoint, it contributes to reducing inequalities. LaMA mainly focused on improving the PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT in a municipality to facilitate more active transport, e.g., implementation of car-free zones, bicycle parking, and bicycle streets.
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Contact Bert Gilté, Netwerk Duurzame Mobiliteit,
2018-11-25T22:18:20+01:00April 26, 2017|practices|Comments Off on Laboratoria Mobiele Alternatievenves (LaMA) –participative approaches to improving regional mobility