KOKOZA – building community gardens and composts

//KOKOZA – building community gardens and composts

KOKOZA – building community gardens and composts

KOKOZA – building community gardens and composts
Brief Description A Prague based social initiative KOKOZA builds community gardens and composts, shares experiences and knowledge and encourages others to build their own community gardens and composts. It aims to integrate urban gardening, local produce and composting in a food loop. The name KOKOZA is a wordplay (koza means goat in English) and abbreviation of KOmunitní KOmpost a ZAhrada (Community Compost and Garden). KOKOZA strives to engage socially disadvantaged people in their activities, primarily as a work-training programme and in a sheltered workshop that produces mobile gardens, “seed-bombs” and composters. As a complementary activity KOKOZA maps existing community gardens, composts and composters.
European Country/Countries Czech Republic
Field Living/Green spaces: Urban (food) gardens, Consuming: Sustainable Production
Type Intervention
Impact Health, Environmental sustainability
Status Ongoing
Target Group General population, Low socio-economic status
Evaluation No
Level Local
INHERIT Perspective This initiative has been chosen because it links all three INHERIT topics – sustainability, health and equity. It influences community and individual EXPOSURE/EXPERIENCE and improves STATE. Its support of ‘food loop’ a closed cycle of food in cities is an attractive stimuli to change BEHAVIOUR.
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Relevant links http://www.KOKOZA.cz/en/
Contact KOKOZA o.p.s., Malenická 1784/2, 148 00 Praha 11, email: info@kokoza.cz
2018-11-25T22:18:01+01:00April 26, 2017|practices|Comments Off on KOKOZA – building community gardens and composts