Innovation in public sector. From knowledge to action –from action to knowledge: The Tröndelag Model of Public Health Work

//Innovation in public sector. From knowledge to action –from action to knowledge: The Tröndelag Model of Public Health Work

Innovation in public sector. From knowledge to action –from action to knowledge: The Tröndelag Model of Public Health Work

Innovation in public sector. From knowledge to action –from action to knowledge: The Tröndelag Model of Public Health Work
Brief Description The Tröndelag Model of Public Health Work was develop in a 4 year multi-sectorial innovation and research project, that sought to develop, test and evaluate new methods and models for the systematic translation of knowledge to complex public health interventions, as well as translating knowledge from interventions back to research and later public health policy development. Data from a mixed method research design along with multi-sectorial experiences, knowledge from citizens, politicians, county and local municipalities’ governments, NGOs, private sector and the local municipalities, as well as international and national public health and health promotion research, served as basis for the development of The Tröndelag Model of Public Health Work (ref). The model offers new forms of knowledge sharing and collaboration in the field of public health regionally and locally as well as new methods for converting knowledge into practice.
European Country/Countries Norway
Field Living/Green spaces: Other, Consuming: Other, Moving: Other
Type Umbrella program
Impact Health, Equity
Status Completed
Target Group General population, Low socio-economic status
Evaluation Yes
Level Local, Regional, National
INHERIT Perspective This project has been chosen for inclusion because it has the potential to strengthen the development, implementation and evaluation of research-based measures in, for and with municipalities to promote health, quality of life, and reduce social inequalities in health. The model offers new forms of 1) knowledge sharing and collaboration in the field of public health regionally and locally as well as new sustainable methods for converting knowledge into practice 2) influencing community and individual exposure and experience trough increased involvement, ownership, participation and social engagement. The practice has a clear emphasis on changing behavior.

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2018-11-25T22:18:06+01:00April 26, 2017|practices|Comments Off on Innovation in public sector. From knowledge to action –from action to knowledge: The Tröndelag Model of Public Health Work