Dragan Gjorgjev
Public Health Policy Advisor & Professor at the Medical Faculty at the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje
Prof. d-r Dragan Gjorgjev is a Public Health Policy Advisor to the Director of National public health institute in Skopje and Teaching Professor at the Environment Health Department in the Medical Faculty – Skopje in North Macedonia. He is responsible for running and coordinating international public health projects as well managing the activities of national public health programs, preparation of methodology for other sectors’ policy impacts to the health of population. He is a leading expert in the Institute’s involvement for the INHERIT project. Among other positions, Prof. Gjorgjev is a WHO National focal point for the European Environment and Health Process and a member of member of the governmental – intersectoral body/Committee for Improving Air Quality and ex-chair of the WHO Environment and Health Task Force for Europe.