Green Savings and New Green Savings – governmental subsidy schemes

//Green Savings and New Green Savings – governmental subsidy schemes

Green Savings and New Green Savings – governmental subsidy schemes

Green Savings and New Green Savings – governmental subsidy schemes
Brief Description Green Savings (Zelená úsporám) and New Green Savings (Nová zelená úsporám) are governmental investment subsidy schemes focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy. The programmes subsidise installations of heating system utilising renewable energy sources in new buildings and in refurbished houses as well as energy savings in these houses. Supported measures include insulation of family houses and multiple-dwelling houses, replacement of old solid fuel-based heating with low-emission biomass-fired boilers and efficient heat pumps, installation of solar-thermal collectors in new energy efficient buildings, and construction of new houses to the passive energy standard. The Green Savings programme (2009-2011) was financed by proceeds from sale of tradable units (under Kyoto protocol), New Green Savings programme (from 2013 to date) is financed by proceeds from auctioning of EU emission allowances. The original Green Savings programme funded about 73,000 projects in households and achieved emission reduction of about 710 kt CO2 per year – around 60% originating from energy savings and 40% from renewable sources deployment.
European Country/Countries Czech Republic
Field Energy efficient housing: Energy efficiency of buildings, Energy efficient housing: Other
Type Intervention
Impact Environmental sustainability
Status Ongoing
Target Group General population
Evaluation Yes
Level National
INHERIT Perspective This initiative has been chosen for inclusion in INHERIT database because of it improves both environment and health through enabling households to heat their homes with less energy and with renewable sources, improving indoor air quality as a consequence. It creates an opportunity to change the environmental STATE, reduce health consequences of insufficient home temperatures and from harmful emissions from local heating leading to poor indoor and local outdoor air quality (EXPOSURE).
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Contact State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic, Olbrachtova 2006/9, 140 00 Praha 4, Tel.: +420 267 994 300, email:
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