Green and Fit Collective (Groen en Fit Collectief) – health insurance company incentives to engage with nature

//Green and Fit Collective (Groen en Fit Collectief) – health insurance company incentives to engage with nature

Green and Fit Collective (Groen en Fit Collectief) – health insurance company incentives to engage with nature

Green and Fit Collective (Groen en Fit Collectief) –health insurance company incentives to engage with nature
Brief Description People with a ‘Green and Fit Collective’ health insurance of the Friesland Health Insurance Company receive a discount on the health insurance and a first year free membership of nature organisations, walking organisations and outdoor sports organisations. In this way people are encouraged to undertake activities in nature. In addition, €15 per person is donated to a project that contributes to nature in the region, providing more opportunities to use green space nearby. Furthermore, people can use vitality services related to food, care, living, and relaxing activities. Aims are to get as many people as possible known with the benefits that nature provides for them; to provide accessible nature nearby now and in the future for all, and to make people feeling more responsible for their own health and living environment.
Image Logo_Groen&Fit_2
European Country(s) Netherlands
Field Living/Green spaces: Improving availability, quality and use
Type Product
Impact Health, Equity, Environmental sustainability
Status Ongoing
Target Group General population
Evaluation No
Level Regional
INHERIT Perspective This project was selected because of the cooperation of a health insurance company with nature/outdoor sports/walking organisations, and the potential triple win. Creating more opportunities to use green space nearby contributes to clean air and attracts people to be physically active. It stimulates the mental and physical development of all, and contributes to a fitter life and resilience. bringing people in contact with nature/outdoor sports/walking organisations may motivate people to undertake activities in green space. The discount on the health insurance and the free membership may attract low income groups.
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Contact Tjisse Brookman; E:
2018-11-25T22:18:22+01:00April 26, 2017|practices|Comments Off on Green and Fit Collective (Groen en Fit Collectief) – health insurance company incentives to engage with nature