Tell us: how can we achieve healthier and more sustainable lifestyles in Europe in 2040?
We have the pleasure of inviting you to a workshop to identify policies and approaches that can change behaviours and lead to a more environmentally sustainable, healthier, and equitable future.
The workshop is part of the INHERIT initiative and builds on a Foresight process that developed future scenarios for healthy and sustainable lifestyles in Europe in 2040. The challenge now is to identify what policy measures are needed to achieve these scenarios.
The objectives of this pan-European ‘back-casting’ event are:
- to explore the recently developed future scenarios for 2040,
- to bring together representatives of policy makers, academia, private sectors and civil society, and build an action roadmap to reach sustainable, more equitable and healthier lifestyles in 2040; and,
- discuss the necessary policies and instruments to support the efforts to turn the roadmap into tangible actions.
If you are interested in ensuring that the EU achieves sustainable development goals relating to health and the environment, please do join us at the workshop. It will enable you to identify necessary measures, and strengthen collaboration with like-minded organisations, to achieve these goals. The results of the workshop and action road map will be further tested by citizens and taken to EU and national policy makers.
Your participation in the workshop would be highly valued.
Do inform us if you have registered, but are no longer able to attend.
If you should have any questions, please contact Ingrid Stegeman or Monica Aberg-Yngwe at EuroHealthNet.
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