Easy Bike – a bike sharing scheme

//Easy Bike – a bike sharing scheme

Easy Bike – a bike sharing scheme

Easy Bike – a bike sharing scheme
Brief Description EasyBike is a bicycle sharing system. It was first implemented by the Greek company BrainBox in 2008. The aim of the practice was to promote sustainable mobility in cities, because the bicycle sharing system had not yet been well developed in Greece. This practice included the installation of bike stations in select parts of cities and the provision of bicycles. Citizens can use these bikes by paying a relatively small fee depending on the time they use the bike (the first 30mins are free of charge and the cost rises by 0.50 Euros for every thirty minutes afterwards, up to a maximum of 3 hours of use in a single session). There are suggested cycling routes on maps next to the bike stations, which incorporate sightseeing features and most convenient and safest roads to travel. The main goals of this practice are to promote more sustainable methods of active travel in cities, increase the physical activity and fitness levels of the local population and improve the microclimate of the urban environment by reducing car use and, by extension, the emission of pollutants.
Image easybike_dark_logo
European Country(s) Greece
Field Moving: Cycling
Type Intervention
Impact Health, Equity, Environmental sustainability
Status Ongoing
Target Group General population
Evaluation Yes
Level Local
INHERIT Perspective Easy Bike has been included within INHERIT because it promotes engagement of the population with more active forms of travel. By using the bike sharing system, citizens are able to ride bicycles for their daily trips which is more sustainable and environmentally friendly than using their own cars. As more people use bicycles for transport, the microclimate of the cities is protected, due to the lower emission of pollutants and the wellbeing of the population also improves due to the increased levels of physical activity.
Detailed description PDF filename Download file
Relevant links http://www.easybike.gr/?lang=en
Contact Dimitris Dimitriadis dimitriadis@brainbox.gr BrainBox Thermaikou 2-4 55133, Kalamaria, Thessaloniki Phone: (+30) 2310 829729 Fax: (+30) 2311 829721
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