The INHERIT report on Cost-benefit Analysis of Four INHERIT Case StudiesĀ presents a comprehensive economic analysis on four case studies within different fields within the INHERIT project, evaluating associated costs and benefits considering the perspectives of key stakeholders and taking into account environmental and social externalities. Both market and non-market costs and benefits have been taken into account on the basis of relevance and data availability of monetary metrics. The economic profitability has been evaluated through various economic indicators such as the net present value, benefit cost ratio, payback period and the internal rate of return to decide whether the case-study project is considered as an acceptable and beneficial investment to the society. A sensitivity analyses has been conducted to identify and measure the main sources of uncertainty.
This report has also developed a common methodology for systematising meta-analysis data on health impacts, allowing the transferring of knowledge on areas for which no evidence existed from epidemiological studies.
The four assessments suggest implementing the projects with the purpose of enhancing societal welfare. Finally, these cost-benefit analyses offer the possibility for policy-makers to design new studies with similar characteristics, which can serve as a reference in decision-making processes.