Dr. Matthew Lowther
Matthew has worked in the public health sphere most of his academic and professional life. He has an honours degree in Sports Science and a PhD in Exercise and Health Psychology. He started his professional life as a Health Development Manager in a local authority. He then took up a cardiovascular disease prevention post within the Public Health Institute for Scotland before going on a three year secondment to the Scottish Government as the National Physical Activity Policy Coordinator. He then returned to NHS Health Scotland as a Principal Public Health Adviser, specialising in the critical appraisal and synthesis of public health effectiveness evidence. He has been honorary senior lecturer at both Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities and he now works for NHS Health Scotland as the Head of Service for Place and Equity.
“My vision for the INHERIT project is to bring about a healthier Europe and a reduction in health inequalities through action on Place. This should be driven by identification of effective action and intervention but crucially should be supported by mechanisms to ensure these actions are quickly and effectively adopted into policy and practice.”