Romina Boarini
Ms. Romina Boarini is Senior Advisor to the OECD Secretary-General and the Coordinator of the Inclusive Growth Initiative.
In this capacity Ms Boarini advises the OECD Secretary-General and the Chief of Staff on Inclusive Growth issues. She heads the OECD the Inclusive Growth (IG) Initiative, the largest OECD horizontal programme involving more than 10 OECD Directorates, and she is in charge of the Business for Inclusive Growth Platform. Before joining the Office of the Secretary-General, Romina has worked as Deputy Head of the Well-Being Division of the Statistics Directorate and the Head of the Well-Being and Progress Section, where she was responsible for OECD Better Life Initiative, the statistical pillar of the OECD Inclusive Growth Initiative and the OECD Pilot Study on SDGs. She also led the Statistics Directorate’s contributions to SDGs-related National Development Strategies and the project on Business and Well-Being. In her previous roles she was working as an economist in both the Economics Department and in the Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Directorate, carrying out research on structural issues as well as country-specific policy analysis.
Before joining the OECD in 2005, Ms. Boarini was a post-doctoral fellow in Sustainable Development (Chaire EDF-Ecole Polytechnique) and worked as a consultant to the French Ministry of Social Affairs. Ms. Boarini, an Italian national, holds a PhD in Economics from the Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) and her Research Interests include: Well-being, Poverty, Education and Behavioural Economics.