IN FORM – Germany’s national initiative to promote healthy diets and physical activity

//IN FORM – Germany’s national initiative to promote healthy diets and physical activity

IN FORM – Germany’s national initiative to promote healthy diets and physical activity

IN FORM – Germany’s national initiative to promote healthy diets and physical activity
Brief Description The National Action Plan “IN FORM – German national initiative to promote healthy diets and physical activity” is aimed at bringing about lasting improvements in dietary and exercise habits in Germany by 2020.
It is the federal government’s objective that adults should live more healthily and that children should be brought up more healthily and benefit from a higher quality of life and better physical and mental ability in their education, jobs and private lives. IN FORM is therefore aimed at much more than just preventing overweight. It is about promoting a healthy lifestyle with a well-balanced diet and sufficient physical activity. The early stage of IN FORM has now been completed. It has served, among other things, to develop instruments and structures for the implementation of the National Action Plan, to integrate into the IN FORM process already existing measures and activities that promote healthy diets and increased physical activity, and to launch and support new projects in different living environments. To date, almost 200 projects have been supported by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) under the IN FORM initiative. In the years to come – during the so-called consolidation and dissemination phase – activities will mainly concentrate on:
• establishing (and stabilising) measures and projects supported under the IN FORM initiative in the longer term,
• disseminating findings and results, and
• promoting both the exchange of experiences and networking between actors within the projects.
IN FORM thus facilitates the “dialogue” between policy-makers, industry, the science community and civil society with regard to all questions concerning a healthy lifestyle.
European Country/Countries Germany
Field Consuming: Healthy Consumption, Moving: Cycling, Moving: Walking, Moving: Other
Type Intervention, Policy
Impact Health, Equity
Status Ongoing
Target Group General population, Children & adolescents
Evaluation Yes
Level Local, National
INHERIT Perspective IN FORM has been selected because it is a national action plan aiming to foster healthier environments for both, different population groups and ages to adopt healthier lifestyles and to see society as a whole enjoy a higher quality of life and physical fitness. IN FORM comprises two interventions 1) healthy diets and 2) physical activities, both intending to significantly reduce illnesses and diseases to which unhealthy lifestyles, unbalanced diets and lack of physical activity contribute. It addresses health and equity and has a clear emphasis on changing behavour.
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Contact IN FORM Geschäftsstelle

Referat Strategieumsetzung Gesunde Ernährung und nachhaltiger Konsum

Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)

Deichmanns Aue 29, 53179 Bonn


Dr. Daniel Schönert 

IN FORM Geschäftsstelle 


Referat SGEnK – Strategieumsetzung Gesunde Ernährung und nachhaltiger 

Konsum Bundeszentrum für Ernährung (BZfE) in der Bundesanstalt für 

Landwirtschaft und Ernährung 


Deichmanns Aue 29, 53179 Bonn 

Telefon: +49 (0)228 99 6845-3523 

Fax: +49 (0)228 6845-3036 


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