COMPOSTARA – awareness campaign on disposal of biodegradable waste

//COMPOSTARA – awareness campaign on disposal of biodegradable waste

COMPOSTARA – awareness campaign on disposal of biodegradable waste

COMPOSTARA – awareness campaign on disposal of biodegradable waste
Brief Description This practice aims to raise environmental awareness among farmers and the public in the region, change farming methods and management of biodegradable waste, and encourage compost production from food waste. The main objectives of these behavioural changes are environmental protection and health improvements. Agricultural and industry waste has been a major contributor to pollution in the Prespa region for decades; the dumping of rotten or spoiled apples in the region’s environmentally vulnerable rivers and lakes is one of the principal factors driving environmental damage. During the worst years, more than 10,000 tons of apples have been dumped in the Golema Reka River and the shores of Lake Prespa.

The key part of this practice is establishing comprehensive and viable management solutions for the treatment of biodegradable waste generated in the area. This aims to create the capacity to absorb up to 2,000 tons of waste per season and to transform this into 1,000 tons of high value compost. All the compost so far produced by the new facility has been subjected to rigorous chemical and microbiological analysis and experts have declared that 80% is of excellent value and quality and therefore highly beneficial for multiple uses in agriculture. The compost from the COMPOSTARA project has already found a market. Selling the compost will fully cover the costs of its production, making it a not just environmentally sustainable – but economically as well.

European Country/Countries Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Field Consuming: Sustainable Production, Consuming: Healthy and Sustainable Consumption, Consuming: Other
Type Intervention
Impact Health, Equity, Environmental sustainability
Status Ongoing
Target Group General population, Women, Agricultural workers
Evaluation Yes
Level Local, National
INHERIT Perspective This project has been selected for inclusion as promising practice since there is evidence that it has fully fulfilled the INHERIT objectives .The practice intervention had positive effect on health and well-being, socioeconomically vulnerable groups and sustainable lifestyles and behaviours. More generally, it helps move towards environmental sustainability and reduced health inequalities. The new waste collection and composting facilities can also serve as a model which other regions can use to create their own facilities. It is appropriate mostly in rural areas where farming is the main source of employment and income, promoting sustainable farming practices for waste disposal and pesticide use.
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Contact Mr Ajman Al malla Head of the Sector for Environment, Municipality of Resen, 047/551-490 Nikola Zddraveski project specialist UNDP Prespa Lake restoration programme. 070 362 205
2018-11-25T22:18:04+01:00April 26, 2017|practices|Comments Off on COMPOSTARA – awareness campaign on disposal of biodegradable waste