Share your ideas2020-01-14T11:10:56+01:00

The INHERIT project envisions a healthier and more sustainable future for all. To help make this happen, send us your ideas and find it on our:

Ideas series
Twitter feed

Do you know of innovations in the areas of living, moving or consuming that encourage us to modify our behaviours and that can protect the environment, improve health and reduce health inequalities? Small-scale initiatives can trigger and evolve into large-scale sustainable ‘triple-win’ solutions!

Do you have policy recommendations for creating cleaner cities? What kind of initiatives encourage you to engage in ‘active travel’, to recycle, to buy less ‘stuff’, and to buy and consume more local produce? Do you know of initiatives to improve indoor and outdoor air quality, particularly in low-income areas?

Share your ideas today. #InheritYourFuture

Briefly describe your idea or example, and/or provide relevant links: (max 750 words with spaces)

Can you elaborate on how this initiative represents a ‘triple win’?: (max 750 words with spaces)

Photo (4Mb) *Optional

Photo description *Optional



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