Walking People Madrid

//Walking People Madrid

Walking People Madrid

Walking People Madrid
Brief Description During 2013 and 2014, Madrid, as well as Nova Gorica, Dresden and Florence, developed the Walking People program, which had the aim of promoting physical activity. In order to achieve this objective, walking routes in each of the participant cities were adapted, along the creation of multiformat guidelines, smartphone applications and the creation of a European network of “Walking cities”.

In the case of Madrid, two main axes (North-south and East-West) were created alongside seven peripherical routes. Peripherial routes were created near health centres and hospitals in order to improve health outcomes for vulnerable groups. A series of activities were planned alongside the creation of the routes to promote the use of these walking circuits, such as the “mobility week”, “decorative arts walk”, the “Madrid Rio walk” and the development of at least one workshop.

European Country/Countries Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Spain
Field Moving: Walking
Type Umbrella program
Impact Health, Equity, Environmental sustainability
Status Completed
Target Group General population, Older people
Evaluation No
Level Local, European
INHERIT Perspective This practice combines two necessary and complementary policies in order to promote active mobility. Authorities created environments suitable for walking in the cities, with indications and adequate infrastructures, which increased the capacity of people to walk in the city. To complement this, they targeted citizens’ behavior in order to encourage them to take part in active mobility schemes. By combining behavioural and structural interventions, this program was able to be far more effective than if only one approach was used by itself.
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Relevant links http://www.madrid.es/portales/munimadrid/es/Inicio/Ayuntamiento/Salud/Promocion-de-la-salud/Rutas-WAP-para-caminar-por-la-ciudad?vgnextfmt=default&vgnextoid=b68843468f788410VgnVCM2000000c205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=f75aa3acb6637010VgnVCM100000dc0ca8c0RCRD
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