Irún Sasoian – promoting physical activity

//Irún Sasoian – promoting physical activity

Irún Sasoian – promoting physical activity

Irún Sasoian – promoting physical activity
Brief Description Irun Sasoian is an initiative led by the City of Irun that mobilizes the different local actors to promote favorable living conditions in the city. The initiative develops policies, programs and other initiatives that affect the living conditions of the Irunian population. It promotes sustainable interventions designed to last. The initiative is under the concept of physical activity in all policies. It engages citizen participation and community agents. It is primarily focused on the inactive population and incorporates the equity perspective.
European Country/Countries Spain
Field Moving: Other
Type Intervention
Impact Health, Equity, Environmental sustainability
Status Ongoing
Target Group General population
Evaluation Yes
Level Local
INHERIT Perspective This project is aligned with one of the priority areas of the Health Plan for the Basque Country 2013-2020 covering social environments and healthy lifestyles through inter-sectoral collaboration, engagement in local activities and community.
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Contact City Council of Irún.


2018-11-25T22:17:46+01:00June 21, 2017|practices|Comments Off on Irún Sasoian – promoting physical activity